A Commitment To Safety and Training
Safety Starts at the Core
Excellent results and customer satisfaction start with a resolve to protect people and promote safe operations at every site. Safety is an integral part of IronCreek’s daily work, and our standards have been developed to meet and exceed those of our clients and all governing regulations.
Our safety program protects lives, safeguards equipment, and boosts employee morale on site – allowing all parties to actively participate in identifying safety needs and providing feedback to create safer workplaces. This helps to control accidental loss, and is infused at all levels of our organization, as we believe every IronCreek manager, supervisor and employee shares the responsibility for loss prevention and due diligence.
Preparation, Practices, and Training
All IronCreek employees and associated workers on company sites are responsible for obeying all safety rules, following safe work practices, wearing personal protective equipment, participating in safety training programs and informing supervisors of any unsafe work conditions. In addition, we provide modified work programs to help personnel return to the workforce as soon as possible in the event of a workplace disability or accident.
IronCreek supports and adheres to the Petroleum Industry Guiding Principles for Worker Safety, developed by the petroleum industry’s task force on safety. We strictly require that all our employees read, understand and implement these principles on a daily basis while performing their duties on the job site and at home.
Every person at and around IronCreek shares the benefits of a safe, healthy workplace, because we all fulfill our safety responsibilities.